After taking a nice cool bath, I lay down on the couch and watched T.V. I switched to the only Korean channel on Astro and Music Bank was on. I saw 2 a.m.'s newest performance, After School, Girl Generation, 2Ne1 featuring Amerie and many more. But one particular group caught my eye and out of nowhere, my tears started to roll down slowly... Well, this is the group...
As you can, see this group is called D-NA. This if I'm not mistaken it's their debut single. Doesn't this remind you of anyone particular? Don't they at least sounded like someone? Try watching this...
Doesn't it sound familiar? Yup, it's DBSK. DBSK debuted at 26 December 2003 with the song HUG. The moment I listened to that group above, immediately I thought of DBSK... and I can't help but feel sad... Their slowly grow or rather maturing images plays like a movie in my head... I was think,
'My gosh, how much they have grown! I'm so glad that I found out about them through Rising Sun. Or else I would have miss the opportunity to actually listen to such good music,'.
D-NA look up to DBSK and strive to be like them; the 2nd DBSK... But little did they know that to all DBSK fans (Cassiopeia), there can only be one DBSK. No one would ever be like them. I am so sadden by the news of them stopping all their Japan activities. But to be honest I did blame them for being the puppet of SME. Just because SME told them not to keep in contact with the other three, they (CM and U-Know) followed. I mean, the matters between SME and the three of them (JaeJoong, Micky and Junsu) does not even concern the two of them. Why would they wanna be told what to do, at least in terms of who you can keep in touch with and who you could not, by SME? No one should tell them that at all! It's their freedom to be acquainted with whomsoever...This is the one thing I could seem to understand... Could someone please explain to me?
But whatever it is... I'll be waiting for them to come back as one, not like now... a group with two sub-groups... That is the sight I hated the most... I swear, if I ever see any of them, my first reaction would be slap them real nice and hard to wake them up...(I know lots of people will hate me for saying this, but it's really how I felt and still feel)
I really hope all of you well come back one day, where the constellation is... cause there is where all of us are waiting...
Just like the ending of With All My Heart,
Find US,
And WE will BE THERE for YOU.
And WE will BE THERE for YOU.
P/S: To all Malaysian DBSK fans, on 1st May 2010 at 1 p.m. 8tv will be showing,
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