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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Success or Failure

I finally get to release my stress...

Stress, Stress go away
Come again another day,
Charis want to relax before the next ASSIGN.....MENTs!

I baked Matcha Cheesecake today... But... I don't know whether is it a success or failure?!

I've succeeded in baking normal flavoured cheesecake; lemon, orange and cheesy. It's my first time with Matcha (green tea). But I don't know why, the filling didn't harden up! Like freeze up at all, it's a bit watery... I'm so sad! I spent like 3 hours in total to bake it! And it failed!!! Why?!

So, I placed it into the freezer to frozen it up... That's the best if I wanna eat it! And guess what, it tasted like ice-cream dipped with biscuits... this failure isn't so bad after all... at least I developed a way to make 'ice-cream' with the proper equipments...

I made a small version of the cake *sorry, forgotten to take pic before serving*.... It looked something like that...

1 comment:

  1. LOL~! Should have brought anyways...! den i can have ice cream in the morning~ n that's heaven!!!!
