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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bad Friend, you SAID...

*What are we to you?

When we first met back in March 08, I only know you as a Malay Japan-ized guy. Your not only a fun guy and also a very helpful friend. However, as time goes your attitudes are becoming worse. Your selfishness! Using a friend as an excuse, made the rest misunderstood her. I can't believe you are capable of doing so! It is something I find hard to believe and understand! If you felt lonely whenever you're with us, you should have just told us?! Why use some else as an excuse?!Is this what family is to you? A bunch of people that you cannot be true to? Have you ever thought that those who are not close to the family may feel lonely and out when most of the conversations would be about the family? Isn't this a selfish action of yours? Why only think about yourself and not the rest? Is this how you treat your friends? Using them as a temporary companions when you feel left out and lost when you're with us?

But what hurts the most is those comments that you've made about us. We abandoned you?! We don't care about you?! Or how you feel?! What do you mean by all these?! If you think so, am I a virtual person that you been telling your 'problem' to and trying to help you?! Is Tracy a virtual person that have been helping you?! Are we?!

So all these help, supports and advises does not mean anything to you?! How dare you say that! If I don't care about you at all, I would have just leave you to die and would not care at all! If I don't care, would I even be there to listen to your 'problem' even though it's f****** annoying?! If you really think so, then I guess that's it. I'm done being your friend or at least I think I am as it really tiring, up to a point that I really don't want to be associated with you anymore. I really hate doing so, but I'm sorry... I'm exhausted... Please don't do this to your current and future friends as this really hurts!

A reminder for you; holding on to a past that you will never to find out and kept using it as an excuse of who you are now, will not get you anywhere and it's also a waste of time! Instead, enjoy what you have that some people die to have!

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