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Friday, October 30, 2009


19/10- 26/10
After Psycho essay was done, thought that I could rest a bit but turns out not. First time ever, that I've stayed up for an assignment! Writing a lit review of a report is so hard, Ms. Ebscohost was not helpful, not many journals related to my topic. What the hell, it suppose to be good, helpful, and able to find any kind of journals! And I only had less than 2 weeks to writing this report. Mr. Google was not helpful either, can't really find journals, since I have to pay to read them!

Moreover, the lecturer was not helpful at all. What the hell?! My parents paid so much and yet I got a sucky lecturer! Although, its her first time teaching, but how can she be so so bad in it! Guess her one year observations of other lecturers are just useless!

Every night without fail, my bedtime would be around 3-3.30 am. To top it off, I wake up at 7am to go college. And, guess what?! I look exactly like a walking ZOMBIE! Throughout the day, I need coffee to keep me awake in class and it's not only a small cup! But lots of small cup... I'm officially a coffee addict, I can't seem not to take them every morning.

It's get more interesting when my mom complained that I'm going back to college during weekends. What the hell am I suppose to do?! I haven't finish my report and it's due in 2 days! I have no idea how to analyse my results! Gosh, I can't even enjoy my own Scholarship award ceremony, all I could think is, "Report due in two days. When is this gonna end?!". It's suppose to my moment! But yet I can't even enjoy it.

After, the event, sat down with my group mates to figure out the analysis part. Never knew that we have lots to consider for analysis, how to compute all the scores and all. But thank goodness, I've asked for help, and got my group mates to help crack our brains. Finally, got the solution to the problem along with massive HEADACHE! I swear my brain felt like its just shrink to a very very small size, like a nut!

Finally, finished at 5 am. Thought that I could finally breathe but.... my stupid pen-drive had to fail me. It would not OPEN and I didn't have my laptop with me!!! What the hell?! Of all days, that stupid pen-drive had to choose the due day! Thank goodness, its due at 12pm! So I rushed home and ... (need not elaborate)

Thanks so so much Kar Yee and Jackson!!!

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