14 days into 2011... 2 more days to semester 5.
Seems like it was just yesterday that I was enrolled in Psychology. Now, I'm left with four more semesters to go and I'll be graduating; though I can barely see the light as it is still super dark. Ahahaha... I'm still amazed with my luck! I'm really lucky to have passed all my four subjects (Sem 4). But the most shocking thing is that I've actually not only passed Brain and Behaviour but also Aced the paper! I've checked it three times and hopefully Priya marked my paper correctly.
It would be a nightmare, if I suddenly was told that she actually marked my paper wrongly or that they uploaded the wrong result. Though I did said that I will be contented if I passed all my papers but my marks are just so heartache-ing; its 2-3 marks away from either a B or an A! Really if I could put in a little more effort maybe it would be better... Seeing my people around me scored better than me have made me feel jealous and a bit sad...
Well, I can't really do anything bout it... What I can do is buck-up on my studies! I really need to be on par not only to maintain my scholarship but also I would like to graduate with 2nd Honours in Psychology. Though its one and a half year more to go, but its not long at all...
Looking back, I can't believe that Sem 4 is finally over. Time flies really super fast when your are not living in the moment. I didn't really enjoy learning but more stress on studying. I guess this feelings will always be there. I do feel jealous of my friends who can relax even when things are difficult. This is something that I really want to learn.
Is there such a class? Or is this something that come with birth?